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Nesiyah at Shaare Torah 5785

Welcome to Registration for Nesiyah at Shaare Torah!

We could not be more excited to be a part of your child's religious education. If you are a member of Shaare Torah, please sign into your ShulCloud account before filling out the form to facilitate easier registration of your student(s). If you have completed the feedback survey for Nesiyah's 2023-2024 year by June 1, be assured that you will be receiving your $100 tuition discount. (per family)

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about your registration, please reach out to Leah Miller at

Section A: PARENT or GUARDIAN Contact Information

Please note that all day-to-day Nesiyah at Shaare Torah communications are distributed by Remind. Remind is a free text messaging app for all school-wide and class announcements. A few weeks before school begins, you will receive a text message asking you to join the Nesiyah at Shaare Torah group. Please accept that request.

In this section please list the contact information for all contacts that need to receive Remind updates for the child you are registering.
Shaare Torah is excited to welcome members of the wider Jewish Community to Nesiyah at Shaare Torah for a one-year trial term. We believe it is important before committing to membership that families have the opportunity to experience our programs and determine whether it is the right fit for them. We do require that families enrolled in our religious school programs for multiple years be members of the synagogue.
Parent/Guardian #1 Contact
To change which person is the primary, please edit your account.
Parent/Guardian #2 Contact
Emergency Contact
Please provide an emergency contact in case the parents or guardians listed above cannot be reached. 
Alternate Contact(s)
All alternate contact(s) will receive the same Religious School communications as the primary contact.
Section B: STUDENT Information
Please fill out this form once for each child you plan to enroll in Nesiyah at Shaare Torah. If you are a member, fill out the box on the top with the name of the child you are registering for, and the demographic information will autofill (any not autofilled information can be edited in your ShulCloud Account)
*Virtual session has limited spots available
Learning Details
Health Details
Please list any details here. Does this child have take any medications during school hours that we need to know about?

Section C: Parent Involvement
 Parent involvement is an integral part of our program. We appreciate your support!
Section D: Release Forms
Health/Medical Release
My child has permission to participate in Nesiyah at Shaare Torah. I hereby authorize the religious school director, or person designated by the religious school director, to obtain emergency medical care for my child in the event such care is indicated. I understand that every effort will be made to notify a parent/guardian prior to treatment.

My child is in good physical health, and has my permission to participate in all activities that are part of the regular religious school program. Field trips may be arranged by Nesiyah at Shaare Torah, and transportation may include bus or vehicle driven by a classmate's parent or guardian.
I understand and agree.
Media Release
Shaare Torah may use my student's photograph in ST publications and marketing materials, including our newsletter, website, social media, and brochures. We will never use the students name with their picture.
Walking Release
I give permission for my student(s) to walk to shul and walk home by themselves from Nesiyah at Shaare Torah.
Section E: Education Excellence Fund
Finances should never be a barrier to providing a Jewish education. Please consider making a donation to offset the cost of a student in need of financial assistance.
Section F: Payment Information
Nesiyah at Shaare Torah tuition is subject to Shaare Torah's financial policies & is non-refundable.
Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785